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Useful links:
US donors cannot receive tax deductions for giving directly to foreign charitable organizations. CAF America serves as an intermediary grantmaker, allowing US donors to support international causes tax-effectively. By making their gift to CAF America, a US public charity, US donors can receive a tax-receipt for their gift. Along with their donation, the donor may recommend that CAF America use those funds to support a foreign charitable organization of their choosing
Organization Details
John Paul II Foundation Onlus
Via Madonna della Tosse, 2, Florence, 50129 ITALY
Website: https://www.fondazionegiovannipaolo.org
Grantee Approval Expiration Date: 7/21/2025
John Paul II Foundation
Katharinengasse, 21, CH-9004, St. Gallen
Direct Phone: +41 79 799 09 62
E-mail: info@johannespaul2.ch
Website: www.johannespaul2.ch
Our CAF America Certificate

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